Garden Club of Cape Coral Logo

Garden Club of Cape Coral

Awards Received

It is a great pleasure to announce that the Garden Club of Cape Coral has received Awards from NGC (National Garden Club), FFGC (Florida Federation of Garden Clubs) and the Deep South garden club association. Special Thanks to all of you...this is wonderful recognition for our club and for the members who write them up for submission! Awards are first announced at the FFGC convention and also at the Spring District IX meeting. Here are the awards we won in previous years:

2021 FFGC Awards

36-3 Community Service (MIP)
14-4 De Palma Sillik Website
44-4 Native Plant Landscaping
Trees and Reforestation - won with the greatest number planted in State of Florida

2021 Deep South Awards

44-4 Native Plant Landscaping Deep South

2020 NGC Awards

Award 43 Blue Star Highway Marker

2020 FFGC Awards

Award 43 Blue Star Highway Marker
Award 50 Environmental Education (The Breeze Articles)
Award 56.3 Butterfly Conservation (Library)

2020 Deep South Awards

Award 43 Blue Star Highway Marker
Award 50 Environmental Education (The Breeze Articles)
Award 56.3 Butterfly Conservation (Library)

2019 FFGC Awards

Award 11.6 Yearbook 100-199 members
Award 14.4 DePalma Sillik Website award
Award 36-4 - Community Service (in respect of MIP 2019)
Award 51-4 Environmental Education involving Youth (Judy Peltier's Trafalgar Middle School project)

2019 Deep South Awards

Awards 5A iv - Public Relations - MIP
Award 15A iv - Environmental Education Award (Traflagar - Judy Peltier)
Award 33A6 - Yearbook, 3rd place.

2018 FFGC Awards

Award #15 Garden Therapy (Cups of Cheer) Exceptional Award
Award # 18 Historic Garden Preservation (Rose Garden)
Award #47 Habitat for Humanity (2018 Cape Coral Women’s Build)
Award #56- Butterfly Preservation (Library Butterfly Garden)
Award #57 Bird or Butterfly Sanctuary on School Grounds (Trafalgar Middle School)

2018 Deep South Awards

Award 3Aiii Historic Garden Preservation (Rose Garden), First Place Award
Award 1Aiii Bird or Butterfly Sanctuary on School Grounds (Trafalgar Middle School) First Place Award
Award 16Aiii Butterfly Conservation (Library Butterfly Garden), First Place Award
10Aiii – Special Achievement